Tenants´ Unions
For more information on real estate agents click here & jump to our Real Estate under the heading Worktime - Professional Services.
Here the friendly service and patience is an absolute virtue, given the small office and the growing demand for short and long-term accommodation. And the staff is truly international: German, Swiss and British, and well-trained in the special needs of an international clientele, serving the many students from the neighboring Goethe Institut German-language center. Both German and English as well as Italian are no problem here. The competent staff is quick to react and extremely reliable. If they can't find you a room, then no one in this city can.
WG Company
If you share a flat in Germany, you live in a WG, short for Wohngemeinschaft . This free service run by an American is designed to match up people looking for a WG and vice versa. Though this service is in German they have a comprehensive overview in English which guides you through how to use the site. Searches are possible by price range, location, size and many other categories.
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