Comprehensive guide to Berlin Germany with information on Abbreviations used in Real Estate Classifieds.

Tenants´ Unions
Abbreviations used in Real Estate Classifieds

+ (Pr)mit Provision (with agent´s fee)
0 (Pr)ohne Provision (no agent´s fee)
ABAltbau (building build pre circa 1945)
Abstand(money paid for furnishing/renovation work that predecessor leaves in apartment, not entirely legal)
ApApartment (appartment)
AtAtelier (studio)
ATAussentoilette (outhouse)
BdBad/Bäder (bathrooms)
Bek/BK Betriebskosten (costs such as garbage collection, water etc)
BkBalkon (balcony)
DGDachgeschoß (attic)
DlDiele (hall)
DnDielen (floor boards)
DuDusche (shower)
EBKEinbauküche (built in kitchen)
EbNErstbezug Neubau (brand new dwelling)
EFHEinfamilienhaus (single family dwelling)
EGErdgeschoß (ground floor)
FFahrstuhl (lift)
FbHFußbodenheizung (in floor heating)
GaGarten (garden)
GaNuGartennutzung (access to garden)
GarGarage (garage)
gflgefliest (tiled)
GHGasetagenheizung (gas central heating)
GspGeschirrspüler (dish washer)
HHHinterhaus (building behind courtyard)
HkHeizkosten (heating costs)
KaKamin (fireplace)
KabKabelanschluß (cable TV)
KfzAutostellplatz (car park)
KlKeller (cellar)
KMKaltmiete (rent excl. Heating)
KtKaution (security deposit)
MFHMehrfamilienhaus (multiple dwelling)
MMMonatsmiete (monthly rent, relevant for deposit amount)
MMKMonatsmiete(n) Kaution (security deposit = one month´s rent)
NBNeubau (newer building built post 1945)
NKNebenkosten (costs such as electricity, telephone etc.)
NSHNachtstrom - speicherheizung (off-peak electric heating)
OHOfenheizung (coal oven heating)
ÖlÖlheizung (oil heating)
PkParkettboden (parquet floor)
qmQuadratmeter (square meter)
RbRollstuhlbenutzung (wheel chair access)
ren.renoviert (renovated)
renbed.renovierungsbedürftig (in need of renovation)
RHReihenhaus (townhouse)
ruhruhig (quiet)
SFLSeitenflügel (building wing behind courtyard)
sonsonnig (sunny)
SouSouterrain (basement)
t-möbteilmöbliert (partially furnished)
TepTeppichboden (wall to wall carpet)
TerTerrasse (terrace)
TGTiefgaragenplatz (underground parking)
UMUntermieter (sub-tenant)
v-möbvoll möbliert (fully furnished)
vgverkehrsgünstig (close to public transport)
VHVorderhaus (building with street frontage)
W-BWannenbad (bath tub)
WBSWohnberechtigungsschein (municipal document entitling you to rent cheaper state - owned housing, available from Wohnungsamt , the district housing office)
WgWintergarten (glassed terrace)
WmWaschmaschine (washing machine)
WMWarmmiete (rent including heat)
ZHZentralheizung (central heating)
ZiZimmer (room)

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