+ (Pr) | mit Provision (with agent´s fee) |
0 (Pr) | ohne Provision (no agent´s fee) |
AB | Altbau (building build pre circa 1945) |
Abstand | (money paid for furnishing/renovation work that predecessor leaves in apartment, not entirely legal) |
Ap | Apartment (appartment) |
At | Atelier (studio) |
AT | Aussentoilette (outhouse) |
Bd | Bad/Bäder (bathrooms) |
Bek/BK | Betriebskosten (costs such as garbage collection, water etc) |
Bk | Balkon (balcony) |
DG | Dachgeschoß (attic) |
Dl | Diele (hall) |
Dn | Dielen (floor boards) |
Du | Dusche (shower) |
EBK | Einbauküche (built in kitchen) |
EbN | Erstbezug Neubau (brand new dwelling) |
EFH | Einfamilienhaus (single family dwelling) |
EG | Erdgeschoß (ground floor) |
F | Fahrstuhl (lift) |
FbH | Fußbodenheizung (in floor heating) |
Ga | Garten (garden) |
GaNu | Gartennutzung (access to garden) |
Gar | Garage (garage) |
gfl | gefliest (tiled) |
GH | Gasetagenheizung (gas central heating) |
Gsp | Geschirrspüler (dish washer) |
HH | Hinterhaus (building behind courtyard) |
Hk | Heizkosten (heating costs) |
Ka | Kamin (fireplace) |
Kab | Kabelanschluß (cable TV) |
Kfz | Autostellplatz (car park) |
Kl | Keller (cellar) |
KM | Kaltmiete (rent excl. Heating) |
Kt | Kaution (security deposit) |
MFH | Mehrfamilienhaus (multiple dwelling) |
MM | Monatsmiete (monthly rent, relevant for deposit amount) |
MMK | Monatsmiete(n) Kaution (security deposit = one month´s rent) |
Mn | Maisonette |
NB | Neubau (newer building built post 1945) |
NK | Nebenkosten (costs such as electricity, telephone etc.) |
NSH | Nachtstrom - speicherheizung (off-peak electric heating) |
OH | Ofenheizung (coal oven heating) |
Öl | Ölheizung (oil heating) |
Pk | Parkettboden (parquet floor) |
qm | Quadratmeter (square meter) |
Rb | Rollstuhlbenutzung (wheel chair access) |
ren. | renoviert (renovated) |
renbed. | renovierungsbedürftig (in need of renovation) |
RH | Reihenhaus (townhouse) |
ruh | ruhig (quiet) |
SFL | Seitenflügel (building wing behind courtyard) |
son | sonnig (sunny) |
Sou | Souterrain (basement) |
Sv | Stadtvilla |
t-möb | teilmöbliert (partially furnished) |
Tep | Teppichboden (wall to wall carpet) |
Ter | Terrasse (terrace) |
TG | Tiefgaragenplatz (underground parking) |
UM | Untermieter (sub-tenant) |
v-möb | voll möbliert (fully furnished) |
vg | verkehrsgünstig (close to public transport) |
VH | Vorderhaus (building with street frontage) |
W-B | Wannenbad (bath tub) |
WBS | Wohnberechtigungsschein (municipal document entitling you to rent cheaper state - owned housing, available from Wohnungsamt , the district housing office) |
Wg | Wintergarten (glassed terrace) |
Wm | Waschmaschine (washing machine) |
WM | Warmmiete (rent including heat) |
ZH | Zentralheizung (central heating) |
Zi | Zimmer (room) |