Finding an Apartment
So you're moving to Berlin, and you need to find a place to live. The good news is that apartments are much easier to come by now than they were just a couple of years ago, with so many people moving out to the post-reunification suburbs. Square meter for square meter, rent prices are lower here than in any other major city in Germany, and no, that isn't because the only available places are crumbling DDR apartment blocks with coal heat. Of course you can certainly live in one of these if you want to, but there are also plenty of modern buildings with central heating and flow-through water heaters (Durchlauferhitzer), as well as gorgeous, renovated Altbaus (older buildings) with high, elaborately decorated ceilings and hardwood floors (Dielen).
The bad news is that deposits are very high, so be sure you have a lot of cash at your disposal. Landlords can legally demand as much as 3 months Warmmiete (rent including utilities) as insurance against you wrecking the place. Think of it as a forced savings account. They're also required to give you interest on that money when you move out.
For information about the character and real estate on offer in Berlins various districts (Bezirke) see:
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