Social Clubs
Gay & Lesbian
The Gay Scene in Berlin is as diverse as the city´s districts.
In most parts of Berlin gay people are as accepted as anyone else. In
the main districts, Kreuzberg,
Mitte, Friedrichshain
& Prenzlauer
Berg, same sex couples can be seen, like any other couples,
kissing and holding hands. Because of this acceptability, the gay scene
is not limited to gay venues. Gay social life is one of the many threads
which make Berlin and add to its amazing character. In districts further
away from the center and particularly to the East of Berlin, the presence
of right wing elements means that same sex couples need to be more cautious
about showing affection in public.
The scene here is a strong one with a lot of variety, something for everyone.
The more traditional gay male scene is at Nollendorfplatz
. Kreuzberg is a liberal, open-minded part of town, where gay life is
most connected with the diverse pulse of the neighbourhood. Friedrichshain
and Prenzlauer Berg are part of a newer scene in the east which feels
like its very alive and still developing. Part of Prenzlauer Berg has
already developed into a yuppie scene which is in sharp contrast to the
more happening and less-developed parts.
(the victory column) - is a free gay magazine which has hundreds of listings
of clubs, cafes, services and saunas. You can find it in most cafes and
some libraries and shops. It´s the best source to find what events
are happening when and where.
in Berlin free English/German Travel Guide to Berlin for
Gays and Lesbians, published by Siegessäule.You can also order a
copy directly from Siegessäule by sending the shipment postage of
€ 1.44.
- is another free mag for the gay scene. Its focus is similar to Sigessäule
but its feel is glossier - not as grass roots.
productions - organisers of many lesbian events, e.g.
parties in the Schwuz or Tränenpalast. A website conceived
in English.
Gay Museum, Archive and Library (Schwules Museum)
Located in the courtyard behind Melitta Sundström is the gay
museum. The exhibitions vary in content. Hildegard Knef is the theme
of the current show (7 Dec. 2005-27 Feb. 2006). The archive and library
are upstairs from the museum. The collection of English fiction is
big, and it´s free to read. The only drawback is that you can´t
check the books out. The staff are helpful and speak English. Both
the museum and archive are good resources for learning more about
gay cultural history and current happenings in the gay world.
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