Social Clubs
Gay & Lesbian
Fuggestrasse 33, Berlin - Schöneberg | Tel: 218 14 32, Fax: no fax | U2, U1, U4 Nollendorfplatz | Times: Prinzknecht: 15:00-3:00, Connection: Fri. & Sat. from 22:00
This is an all-in-one complex right in the heart of Nollendorfplatz. Facing the street is the Prinzknecht, boasting a "kilometer long bar", billiards, and nightly specials such as 2 for 1 drinks on Wednesdays before 21:00. On Fridays and Saturdays the Connection Disco opens with some of Berlin´s finest techno, several bars, and a multi-level cruising area. On top of all that there´s also a shop with videos, magazines, toys, piercing jewelry etc.
Mehringdamm 61, 10965 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 693 70 25, Fax:
no fax | U6 + U7 Mehringdamm | Prices: €5 - 15 | Times: parties
start around 22:00, check the press for details.
Schwuz is the oldest gay club in Berlin. Now located below Melitta Sundström, it has had many locations. It´s a club which plays mainstream music more than techno. The nightly themes change from House to Oldies to Latin. In the earlier hours of the evening, the crowd is mixed, lesbians, gay men, drag queens and hetero friends. By 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning it becomes a party of mostly men. As is often the case, lesbians seem to go home earlier...
Oranienstraße 190, 10997 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 614 01
306 , Fax: no fax | U8 + U1 Kottbusser Tor | Prices: € 5 -
15 | Times: check press, parties vary
SO36 has different parties each week. A night of Bingo with some friends at this place is a blast. Even if you´re German is nearly non-existent, you can practise your numbers while watching a fantastic show with two drag queens and their friends. The other nights' themes vary from Techno to Oriental and a gay singles night called "Hungry Hearts." The crowd is a mixture of gay and straight depending on the night.
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