Restaurants by district
Quick Meals
Central European
Middle Eastern
South American
Fine Dining
Exquisite Fare
Coffee & Dessert
Street Food
Breakfast & Brunch
Bars & Pubs
In a city where status is measured by the square meter, you pay the price for a sit-down meal in Berlin. A faux-luxurious decor seems to be the hallmark of fine dining for your average german splurging on dinner out. Other features include rude or indifferent service, cleanliness of the cutlery, fat-content or sheer volume of the dishes, and somewhere down the list, flavour and preparation.
Luckily, a new generation of insecure unpensionable youth have sought the quick fix of palatal pleasure, flavours, warm and powerful, for soul comfort as they thrust through a hedonistic heart-warp gauntlet down the throats of cyberizing industry. Thus some inexpensive and satisfying options, served with empathy.
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