by bike
by car
by public transport
by taxi
It's not usually too hard to find a taxi in Berlin's inner districts. The cabs are painted beige and have a characteristic taxi sign on the roof. You can hail one on the street, hop into any car at a rank, or phone one of the companies listed below to place an order.
Taxi fares are made up of a flagfall and a per km rate.
| 6:00-23:00 | 23:00-6:00 | Flagfall | DM4.00 | DM4.00 | € per km | 1.80-2.20 | 2.00-2.40 | A surcharge of DM2,- is charged for booking a taxi. Worth keeping in mind is the short trip fare (Ask the driver for a "Kurzstrecke"). On this deal you can travel up to 2km for just DM5.00. Note, however, that this fare is available only if you hail a cab and not if you order or pick one up at a rank.
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