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Although BILD, die tageszeitung and Die Welt are Germany's only true (by definition) national newspapers, the two regional broadsheets from Frankfurt and Munich can be included due to their circulation and content. NEWSPAPER | WEBSITE | COMMENT & ANALYSIS | BILD | | Trashy Springer tabloid (that's Axel, not Jerry) in which the content is, at best, questionable, though the bare flesh is, undeniably, real. | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | | Liberally conservative and serious pseudo national which is written in old German script. Good art and culture sections are a feature as well as some Berlin pages. | Süddeutsche Zeitung | | Another regional paper whose circulation is big enough for it to merit the name "National". Properly informed and very well written, it includes some Berlin pages which, to some, are a little boring. | die tageszeitung | | While trying to tread water, this lefty national, which was started in late seventies Kreuzberg, still manages to blurt out the odd good headline. Without a marked increase in subscriptions in the very near future, however, David Hasselhof will be required to pull on his swimming trunks. Although its real fighting days are over, columns such as "The Page of Truth" and "Gherkin of the Week" are entertaining reflections on the increasingly centre-right world around it. | Die Welt | | This former Hamburg title, which moved to Berlin a few years ago, has been enjoying a recent increase in circulation. Whether that has anything to do with its shuffle to the right is not certain. The money it has lost in its past has not really been missed as its grubby (and in all honesty, more interesting) little brother, BILD, brings home enough cash to feed the family. | Handelsblatt | | Previously Germany's only paper from a business angle. It is, at the moment, trying to fend off competition in the form of the new German-language FT. | Financial Times - Deutschland | | Having newly arrived on the scene, it has been suggested that the FT Deutschland will have trouble finding its place in the market. Still utilising the same "loads of numbers on pink paper" strategy as it does in English, it is unlikely to find an air pocket of new readers. |
Berlin NEWSPAPER | WEBSITE | COMMENT & ANALYSIS | Berliner Morgenpost | | West Berliner granny broadsheet from the Axel Springer stable. Colourful pictures. | Berliner Kurier | | Gruner und Jahr's offerings in the muck-raking category. | Berliner Zeitung | | East Berliner daily, read in the East. Gruner & Jahr's lavish attempts to make it the voice of Berlin have resulted in it being subscribed to mainly by students. | BZ | | Having been frowned upon by the left in the seventies, BZ still manages to be more popular in Berlin than BILD. The headlines from the maverick editor Franz Josef Wagner have more originality than those chalked up in the other Springer offices. Little or no text appears on Page 1. | Der Tagesspiegel | | Pseudo intellectual West Berlin broadsheet formed in 1920. The famed Giovanni DiLorenzo steers his vessel through the hall of mirrors that is its readership and manages to keep things steady, if a little boring. |
Weekly NEWSPAPER | WEBSITE | COMMENT & ANALYSIS | die Zeit | | Big, liberal and comprehensive, this weekly manual for the intelligentsia finds it difficult to keep its readers because of its leaden style. A pair of breasts on Page 3 would probably do the trick. | Jungle World | | Formed quite recently as a result of a directional argument at the former Eastern youth paper, Junge Welt. Witty, left-wing and fairly hard-hitting, Jungle World combines committed journalism and a good layout to form quite a good package. It doesn't, however, sell that many copies. |
Those seeking English language newspapers (including most of the main British and American titles) will find a visit to any of the main stations or the International Presse newsagents most fruitful. Look out for kiosks in especially touristy areas like Checkpoint Charlie and the Europa Center, as these are good places to find English language press. The British Bookshop is excellent for British and London newspapers while book shops like Hugendubel and Dussman also stock international titles. And for the customer who likes their "erotic" material only in English, the sex superstore under the Beate Uhse Erotik Museum has a range of magazines in English, including some titles from Britain.
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