Here is a run down on the cinemas that mostly or at least occasionally show films in English so you know what to keep an eye out for:
Acud/Freiluftkino Acud
Veteranenstr. 21, Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 44 35 94 98/449 10 67, Fax: no fax | S-Bahn Nordbahnhof, U8 Rosenthalerplatz |
Alhambra Too
Triftstr. 67, Berlin - Wedding | Tel: 46 60 12 47, Fax: no fax | U6/9 Leopoldplatz |
It seems that Leopold Wegenstein, the owner of the old "Alhambra", was stuck for inspiration when opening his new cinema - he called it "Alhambra Too". Only opened this year, the Alhambra Too boasts the latest in sound systems as well as comfortable seats and a cafe offering more than the usual paper cups of coke. Programming seems to be a bit more adventurous than the Alhambra as well, and includes the odd film in English. Original version sneak previews are shown every Tuesday at 22:30.
This is more or less the official cinematheque of Berlin and they take great pride in showing a startlingly wide range of films ranging from Hollywood classics to Egyptian retrospectives, African anthropological films to old New German Cinema and Italian horror movies, as well as documentaries of all kinds, and silent films with live accompaniment (a popular feature here in Berlin). This theatre is not for everybody but the program is varied and changes frequently so it's best to keep watch for what may pop up. They often show English language films and sometimes the foreign films (particularly Asian) have English subtitles.
Babylon Kreuzberg
In the last few years, this twin screen theater has become strictly English language, with a varied programming featuring off-Hollywood, indie cross-over and UK films. It is owned and operated by the Yorck-Kino cinema group.
Babylon Mitte
10178 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 242 5076, Fax: no fax | U2 Rosa-Luxemburgplatz, U2, U8 Alexanderplatz, S3,S5,S7,S75, Alexanderplatz, Bus 340 Rosa-Luxemburgplatz | Tickets: € 10
Located in East Berlin and not to be confused with Babylon Kreuzberg (see above), this was once an East German premier theater and is a landmark building due to its design by Hans Poelzig who designed the classic German silent film, "The Golem". Due to seemingly never-ending renovations, the shows take place in the lobby which has been made into a screening room. Heavy on retrospectives and thematic programming, this can be an opportunity for those interested in Eastern Bloc films. Occasionally there are Hollywood films in English and foreign films with English subtitles. They also have periodic series of independent films and often do one night a week gay programming which is often in English. There is a pretty good café attached, named after Jaques Tati. Also the "Roter Salon" is right down the street.
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9, 10178 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 240 91 46, Fax: no fax | S+U Alexanderplatz | Cinema days: Mon, Tue, Sat.
This rather peculiar viewing hall is situated inside the Hungarian Culture Centre near Alexanderplatz. After paying at the makeshift trestle table at the door, you can view a selection of art on display on the ground and first floors where artsy looking chaps and their ladyfriends puff on cigarettes until the films start. The interior decor was evidently chosen from The Soviet Book of Laminated Ply-wood Interiors and so if the pen and inks don´t do anything for you, the taste of a forgotten world should, surely, stir some emotion. The auditorium, which sports a 3-D version of the aforementioned decor, is sadly on a flat surface so those at the back need to be tall.
Immanuelkirschstr. 14, 10405 BerlinPrenzlauerberg | Tel: 442 8662, Fax: no fax | Tram 1 Immanuelkirschstrasse; 2, 3, 4 Hufelandstrasse | Tickets: € 11; € 8,50. Tue, Wed. € 11
This cinema is secreted in a back alley behind the police station in Prenzlauer Berg. One of the two screens sometimes has something in English but it's not easy to figure out the logic as to when or why. If for any reason you make a mistake and your film of choice is not playing, there is an all-night pool hall upstairs.
Burgstr. 27, Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 24 00 35 10, Fax: no fax | S-Bahn Hackescher Markt | Cinema days: Tue, Thu.
This is a cinema with a past - the one-time "working cinema" of the East German film industry. Up until 1990, this was the place where authors, advertising executives, film critics and representatives of the communal film authorities came to see previews of films before they hit the cinemas. Continuing the tradition, the Börse shows mostly German films, but occasionally something with English subtitles comes through. One for a less frivolous evening out.
Tauentzienstr. 8, Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 26 55 02 76, Fax: no fax | U15 Wittenbergplatz | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
Although it is located close by the big Kurfürstendamm cinemas, the Broadway's programming is miles away from the mainstream blockbusters. More than half the films shown are made in the European Union, making this one of the best places to catch British independents without a huge advertising budget. Make sure you get there early enough to have time for a leisurely drink in the first floor bar before your film starts.
Rosenthaler Straße 39, 10178 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 2859 9973, Fax: no fax | U8 Weinmeister Straße | Tickets: € 11, € 8,50 Tue, Wed
A twin theatre next door to the Hackesche Höfe, they seem to be valiantly resisting a more frequent English programming though there are often special events such as porno frolics, Godzilla double bills, Pam Grier retros and Japanese action and Manga films which are shown in original and, in the case of the latter, with English subtitles. They also participate in the Fantasy Film Festival every summer (see festivals).
Leipzigerstr. 55, 10117 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 204 4339, Fax: no fax | U2 to Spittelmarkt | Tickets: € 10; € 8,50 Tue, Wed
This is either a holdover from some old DDR film club or a reaction to the lack of the same after the fall of the Wall. Whatever it is, it's still holding on with some strange series programming (such as John Waters, gay and lesbian stuff, vampire films, Marilyn Monroe, and old DDR thrillers) and when possible they manage to get the original versions. If you've never experienced Cinemascope in a 50 seat theater, well, it's the poor man's Nature Max.
Cinema Paris
Kurfürstendamm 211, Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 881 31 19, Fax: no fax | U15 Uhlandstr | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
Despite stringent French programming laws, the Cinema Paris occasionally lets in a renegade English-language original. Don your beret and enjoy the night.
CinemaxX Colosseum
Schönhauser Allee 123, Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg | Tel: 44 31 63 16, Fax: no fax | Straßenbahn 50, 52, 53 | Cinema days: Mon, Tue.
Cinemaxx Potsdamerplatz
Potsdamerstr. 5, 10785 Berlin - Tiergarten | Tel: 4431 6316, 2592 2111, Fax: no fax | U2, S1, S2, S25, S26 to Potsdamer Platz; Bus 142, 248, 348 | Tickets: Ticket prices vary between € 15 and € 7.50 depending on which cinema you go to, what time the film is on and what day of the week it is. Suffice to say tickets are cheaper Mon - Wed (on Tues. it's only € 7.50) and before 17:00. A special bargain is to be had on Thu before 17:00 when all tickets are € 6.
The biggest multiplex in town with 20 screens, at least two of which have been regularly showing films in English. This is all mainstream stuff presented in comfortable mall-like surroundings. The ushers are very pleasant, though. Every Wednesday night at 11 pm there is a sneak preview in English for DM9 - pretty good value for those who can't decide what to go and see.
CineStar im Sony Center
Potsdamer Str. 4, Berlin - Tiergarten | Tel: 26 06 62 60, Fax: no fax | U+S Potsdamer Platz | Cinema days: Mon, Thu
CineStar IMAX im Sony Center
Potsdamer Str. 4, Berlin - Tiergarten | Tel: 26 06 62 60, Fax: no fax | U+S Potsdamer Platz |
Zeughofstraße 20, 10997 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 611 6016, Fax: no fax | U1, U15 Görtlitzer Bahnhof | Tickets: € 11; € 8,50 Tue, Wed
In spite of the fact that they have recently undergone a rather snazzy duplex conversion, Eiszeit still offers the wildest programming in town and it's clear that the people who do it are out to rub their quirky personal taste into the face of the public at large. While the realities of the market have toned them down of late, this is still the place to find Nazi "Culture Films", German underground films, Hong Kong action films, Manga (ranging from kid stuff to hard core), slash films, gangsta films, US indie films, beatnik films and Turkish films mixed into the selection of the more normal fare which pays the rent each week. Often in English or with English subtitles, even the regular stuff. They are also a venue for the yearly Fantasy Film Festival .
Filmbühne Am Steinplatz
Hardenbergerstr. 11, 10623 Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 312 9012, Fax: no fax | U2, U9/S3, S5, S6, S7, S9 Zoologischer Garten, Bus 145, 154, 109, X9 Steinplatz. |
This place frequently shows documentaries which, if in a foreign language (like English!) are always subtitled. Also occasional American independent films or retros, sometimes in original with subtitles. And for the hungry, there is a nice sun-drenched cafe attached, with lots of cake.
Filmkunst 66
Bleibtreustr. 12, Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 882 17 53, Fax: no fax | S-Bahn Savignyplatz | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
Filmkunst 66 has an almost legendary reputation which dates back several decades - although the cinema was only opened two years ago. The current cinema is in the basement and ground floor of the building which used to house the original Filmkunst 66 until it closed in 1993. The owner is also the same, and produces the same sort of eclectic programming which created the legend - festivals, genre series, and plenty of original language films. And check out the decor - how could you not have a fun evening in a place like this?
Lehrter Str. 35, 10557 Berlin - Tiergarten | Tel: 394 43 44, Fax: no fax | S-Bahn Lehrterstadtbahnhof, U6 Reinickendorfer Str. | Cheap days: Mon, Tues, Wed
Freiluftkino Friedrichshain
Im Volkspark Friedrichshain , Tel: 29 36 16 29 (rec. pro.), Fax: 29 36 16 22 (progr.) | tram 5,6,8,15 (Platz der Vereinten Natoinen) |
This open-air cinema has such a secluded location in this hilly and wooded park that it is easily overlooked. It is in fact next to the hospital in the Friedrichshain park - you'll find the approach near the entrance to the hospital on Landsberger Allee.
Freiluftkino Hasenheide
Certainly one of the most comfortable of the open air cinemas - a medium-sized amphitheatre with back rests assures the entire audience a good view of the screen. Sadly, very few of the films are in English - the Kreuzberg scene that hangs out here seems to be more into classic cult hits. Keep an eye out, though, you never know your luck in a big city.
Freiluftkino Kreuzberg
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin - Kreuzberg | U1, U8 Kottbusser Tor | Tickets: € 10; DM8,50 Tue, Wed
Open from the end of May until the beginning of September, this is the only one of Berlin's open air cinemas that regularly shows films in English. Programmed by the Eiszeit, this big-screen Dolby Stereo outdoor summer theater used to be the home of strange events ranging from live hard core accompaniment of classic silent films to shows of American 50s stag films. This past year they seemed to be playing it safe with repeats of recent hits but did offer frequent shows in original English. For an overview of the program, check the Eiszeit website (see above).
Freiluftkino Museumsinsel
In front of the Alte Nationalgalerie.
Segitzdamm 2, 10969 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 614 24 64, Fax: no fax | U1, U8 Kottbuser Tor, Bus 129, 140, N8, N29 | Tickets: € 11; € 8,50 Mon, Tue
Named for the state film rating board, this two screen "Off- cinema" is located deep in the heart of Turkish Kreuzberg conveniently near a wide range of bars and cafes. They usually get German versions which often means German subtitled versions (For those looking for an easy way to bone up on their German, perhaps seeing foreign films with German subtitles is not such a bad idea.), but they do have the occasional American or British indie film or documentary, and some Taiwanese or Hong Kong films with English subtitles.
FT am Friedrichshain
Bötzowstr. 1-5, Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg | Tel: 42 84 51 88, Fax: no fax | Straßenbahn 2,3,4 | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
Thanks to protests by militant residents, Berliners were spared another high-rise hotel and can still visit the historic cinema on the Friedrichshain, now fully restored and showing a wide range of non-Hollywood films. Original versions are frequently shown.
Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthalerstr. 40/41, 10178 Berlin - Mitte | S-Bahn Hackescher Markt | Tickets DM11; DM8,50. Mon, Tue.
Although in the centre of a big tourist trade, they seem to always get the German versions of the big films. They also feature subtitled versions of an international selection of documentaries and art house fare. Whatever is in English could be subtitled, but not always.
High End 54 im Tacheles
Oranienburgerstr. 54, 10117 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 283 14 98, Fax: no fax | U6 Oranienburger Tor, S1, S2, S25, S26 Oranienburgerstrasse, Tram 1, 13, 50 Oranienburger Tor
During its ongoing renovation Tacheles has acquired two new cinema screens. The programme is still fairly random but it usually contains independent and off-Hollywood movies as well as some interesting foreign stuff. Original English language films show up randomly though recently the likelihood has markedly increased; more regularly shown are foreign films with English subtitles.
Karl-Marx-Allee 33, Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 24 75 60 11, Fax: no fax | U5 Schillingstr. | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
One of the great cinemas of former East Germany, the International now enjoys a wider popularity. Like most of the rest of the Karl-Marx-Allee, it is a protected building, a status which sadly didn't apply to the interior - the "protocol row" of seats with extra leg room for party heavy-weights disappeared in the renovations. Intelligent programming continues to attract the public, and the International is still a venue for the Berlin International Film Festival. Their "MonGAY" theme night in particular has proven very popular, and often showcases an original version film.
Karli-Forum Neukölln 1-9
Karl-Marx-Strasse 66, 12043 Berlin - Neukölln | Tel: 62 73 39 33, Fax: no fax | U7 Rathaus Neukölln | Tickets: Mon, Thurs € 13; Wed, Thurs € 9; Fri-Sun until 5pm € 13, from 5pm € 15; children € 9
KinoKlub der HUB
Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 20 93 17 43, Fax: no fax | S+U Friedrichstr, U2 Französische Str, Bus 100, 157, 348, Tram 1, 50 | Seats: 518
Windscheidstr. 19, 10627 Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 323 8427, Fax: no fax | S3,S5,S7,S75 Charlottenburg, Bus 109, X9 | Tickets: € 11; € 8,50 Tue, Wed
Just when you think they are starting to show a lot of English language films, they stop. Just when you've totally forgotten that they're there, they start again. If you live in Charlottenburg, it pays to pay attention.
UFA - Arthouse Die Kurbel
Giesebrechtstraße 4, 10629 Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 883 5325, Fax: no fax | U7 Adenauer Platz/101, 109, 119, 129, 204, 219 bus | Tickets: € 12 - € 13; € 9 Tue, Wed
With 3 screens, this is the only exclusively (or almost exclusively) English language multiplex (with all the comfort that implies) in Berlin. And their programming is typical multiplex as well. Sneak previews every Monday at 11pm. Listings Seekers Take Note(!): This theater has been bought out by the UFA chain and therefore to be found under "U" for UFA - Arthouse Kurbel. This is obviously some new definition of the word "Art House", but hey, sometimes there are wonders to be found in the mainstream as well.
Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg | Tel: 44 00 88 45, Fax: no fax | U2 Eberswalder Str., Tram 13, 50, 53 | Tickets: € 7
Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 692 4785, Fax: no fax | U8 Leinestraße, U7 Hermannplatz, Bus 141, 144, 241 | Tickets: € 10; € 13 double features; € 15 all-nighters; € 5 children 3pm weekends; € 8 Wed
This is the sort of place that you think would show more original language stuff than they actually do, though in fact they seem to be doing a bit better lately, so it is certainly to be checked out. Usually a young crowd shows up for their consistant art house programming and occasional all night double and triple bills. Indie crossover, occasional off-Hollywood and new young German films, with occasional retros of actors or directors.
Neues Off
Hermannstraße 20, Berlin - Neukölln | Tel: 62 70 95 50, Fax: no fax | U7+U8 Hermannplatz | Prices: € 13/11, Tue&Wed all tickets € 9.
Hauptstraße 116, 10827 Berlin - Schöneberg | Tel: 781 5667, Fax: no fax | U4 Innsbrucker Platz/S45, S46 Innsbrucker Platz | Tickets: € 13; € 9 Tue, Wed
This seems to be the flagship English language cinema and, while it's pretty big, it's often sold out so try and get there early. On the other hand, films usually go from here to the Babylon or Olympia (see below) so there is often hope for the future. They show a pretty intelligent selection of Hollywood mainstream and British stuff. Note of warning: recently they have occasionally taken to showing subtitled foreign films so just stay alert for that surprise Serbian or Brazilian film with German subtitles.
Regenbogen Kino
Lausitzerstr. 22, 10999 Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 611 9875, Fax: no fax | U1 Gölitzer Bahnhof, Bus 129 Ohlauerstrasse. | Tickets € 10
A sort of film club even deeper in the heart of Turkish Kreuzberg. A real shot in the dark but I once saw a 35mm copy of The Lusty Men (with Robert Mitchem) there, so it can happen.
Rollbergstr. 70, 12053 Berlin - Neukölln | Tel: 62 70 46 45, Fax: no fax | U8 Boddinstr., Bus 104, 144, 194 | Cheap days: Tues, Wed, Blue Monday
Sputnik Südstern
Hasenheide 54, Berlin - Kreuzberg | Tel: 694 11 47, Fax: no fax | U7 Südstern | Cnr Körterstraße 15 - 17 (Höfe zum Südstern) | Prices: € 10.
If you survive the trek up five flights of stairs, you'll be rewarded by a beautiful view over the roofs of Kreuzberg from the cosy if strangely decorated cinema bar. Each of the three screens has unique seating - check out the backyard barbecue look in Kino 2.
Tilsiter Lichtspiele
Richard-Sorge-Str. 25a, Berlin - Friedrichshain | Tel: 426 81 29, Fax: no fax | U5 Weberwiese |
UCI Kinowelt Potsdam Center
Bahnhofpassagen, Babelsbergerstr. 10, 14473 Potsdam | Tel: 0331 233 7 233, Fax: no fax | S-Bahn Potsdam Hauptbahnhof | Tickets: cheap days Mon-Wed € 8
UFA Royal Palast
Tauentzien Str. , Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 230 91 60, Fax: no fax | S+U Zoologischer Garten | Cinema days: Tue, Wed.
Lights, camera, action! And plenty of it, as the huge billboards on the Europa Center blare. Unfortunately very few original versions here, but hey, 'hasta la vista, baby' is pretty much the same in any language. The main cinema is the largest in Berlin, and is also equipped to show 70 mm versions, not that the management seem to take much advantage of this.
Village Cinemas Kulturbrauerei
Schönhauser Allee 36-39, Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg | Tel: 44 35 44 22, Fax: no fax | U2 Eberswalder Str. |
Step into the 'culture brewery' and you could be forgiven for imagining yourself transported back to the cinema complexes of your anglo youth - big, clean, comfortable, and entirely lacking in character. Nice bars in the rest of the complex for that after-film drink, though.
Kolonnenstraße 5, 10827 Berlin - Schöneberg | Tel: 782 8850, Fax: no fax | U7 Kleistpark | Tickets: € 10; € 8,50 Tue & Wed, € 5 children
Also owned by the Eiszeit cabal, this small but lively cinema is more or less dedicated to gay and lesbian films, with a very loose definition thereof. Since most of these kinds of films are indie films from America or Britain, a good deal of the programming is in English.
Zeughaus Open-Air Kino im Garten des Kronprinzenpalais
Unter den Linden 3, Berlin - Mitte | Tel: 20 30 48 02, Fax: no fax |
Zoo Palast
Hardenbergstraße 29a, 10623 Berlin - Charlottenburg | Tel: 2541 4777, Fax: no fax | U2, U9/S3, S5, S6, S7, S9 Zoologischer Garten | Tickets: € 12 - € 14; € 9,50 -10,50 Tue, Wed
This landmark 50's theater started out as a twin and has since been further broken up into 9 smaller plexes. The best kept secret in town is the fact that two of the theaters are able to run a CD of the original track along with the German dubbed version and, as a result, it is possible to see yet another big Hollywood hit in the original. All you do is give them a piece of ID and get a set of headphones normally used for simultaneous translation. The reason for saying "best kept secret" is that they claim that they themselves never know in advance what films will come with the CD so it's never mentioned in any of their advertising. The only way to find out seems to be to go by and check as no one who answers the phone ever knows what's going on.
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