Getting Started
Federal government
Embassies A - K
Embassies L - Z
Chamb. Commerce
Federal President: Johannes Rau
The Federal President is elected by the Bundesversammlung, a body consisting of the members of the Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament) and an equal number of state electorates. Mr. Rau was elected May 23, 1999, sworn-in July 1, to succede Roman Herzog. Mr. Rau was born January 16, 1931 in Wuppertal-Barmen. He is married with three children.
The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor's Office Chancellor: Gerhard Schröder
Schloßplatz 1 | 10178 Berlin - Mitte | Tel: (01888) 400-0, Fax: 40 00-1818, -1819 | U2 Hausvogteiplatz; Bus 100, 157, 348 Lustgarten; Bus 147, 257 Schloßplatz | Minister of Chancellor's Office: Hans Martin Bury
Foreign Ministry Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor: Joschka Fischer
Ministry of the Interior Interior Minister: Otto Schily
Justice Ministry Justice Minister: Herta Däubler-Gmelin
Finance Ministry Finance Minister: Hans Eichel
Ministry of Economics and Technology Economics Minister: Werner Müller
Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Forestry Agriculture Minister: Renate Künast
Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs Labor Minister: Walter Riester
Ministry of Defence Defence Minister: Rudolf Scharping
Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth Family Affairs Minister: Christine Bergmann
Ministry of Health Health Minister: Ulla Schmidt
Ministry of Transportation, Building and Housing Transport Minister: Kurt Bodewig
Environment Ministry Environment Minister: Jürgen Trittin
Education Ministry Education Minister: Edelgard Bulmahn
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Minister for Economic Development: Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul
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